Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation | Blog Post EP. 5.2 - Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 - Final Part) | Header Featured Image

Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 – Final)

Grace ElizabethGracies World

Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation | Blog Post EP. 5.2 - Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 - Final Part) | Header Featured Image

April 11th, 2022 | EP. 5.2 – Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 – Final)

Welcome back to another edition of Gracies World. This is Part 2 and the final post of a 2-part series called: “Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises”.

We left off at the last blog where Tommy finally made it to the hospital after an exhaustingly long journey of mishaps and twists from the moment he left work on Thursday evening. Today, we are still carrying on the theme of unexpected surprises.

One thing I purposefully failed to mention in the previous post is that Abby and I have some amazing friends – Aaron & Carolyn Richie and their new baby girl Naomi (not so much a baby anymore as she is turning 1 year old) called me Thursday evening, just before I departed for the hospital for the second time, to let me know that they were going to be in Ann Arbor Thursday through Saturday. What a surprise and a treat it was to hear that they were going to be coming to Ann Arbor for Abby and I to get some much-needed time with some friends for a change.

Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation | Blog Post EP. 5.2 - Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 - Final Part) | The Richies | Image
The Richies | Aaron, Carolyn & Naomi

The Richies are an amazing family. Also, their extended family – shout out to Austin, Nate, and Adrian Richie (Mark my words, one day we will all be neighbors… one day!). For those of you who do not know Aaron and Carolyn, they actually have a unique and heartfelt story of their own when it comes to starting a family. I highly encourage you to check out their story and share some love and support with them as well. You can check out Part 1 of a 3-part series on their story in the video below. You can find the rest of their story here: (

Anyhow, Aaron and Carolyn were able to help Abby and me get out of the hospital for a little bit for some fresh air and to spend much-needed time with friends. With Grace’s recovery getting stronger every day, Abby and I felt that we could start getting outside a little more each day. Ultimately, though, we always have Grace in the back of our minds. I’m not sure if it’s because of Grace’s unique situation, or if it’s just a natural parenting instinct to think about your children 24/7?? It’s not a bad thing, just one of my many curiosities.

Having The Richies come around also gave us a break from the mental stresses that come with being at a hospital day in and day out. Abby, Grace, and I from the bottom of our hearts, truly want to thank you Aaron and Carolyn for your continued love, support, and friendship. Abby and I are truly blessed to have the friends and family that we do in our lives. What an amazing surprise it was to have The Richies come into town.

Actually, I feel kind of bad, because they came in on Thursday evening and I was unable to see them Thursday due to (part 1) of this blog post. Nonetheless, we had planned to meet up for lunch on Friday afternoon at a local pizza restaurant called: “Pizza House“. They have Chicago-style themed pizza. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food. So why did I feel kind of bad? Well, in typical Tommy fashion, I had ordered, by far, their most expensive item on the menu. A specialty stuffed Chicago-style pizza. Yeah, I could of went standard style, but how often does one get stuffed Chicago-style pizza (if you don’t live in Chicago that is)?. I usually end up ordering what seems the most expensive item on the menu everywhere Abby and I visit. This is probably why my wife’s favorite restaurant is Mcdonald’s.

———————— Start Transmission ————————

McDonald’s: “Welcome to McDonald’s, how may I assist you today?”
Tommy: “Yes, my wife will have a McChicken, no mayonnaise, add tomato, medium fry, large diet coke, and a side of ranch dipping sauce.”
McDonald’s: “Will that be all?”
Tommy: “No, I’ll have 2 McDoubles (plain with cheese and pickles only), a large fry, a water, two hot mustard dipping sauces, and 2 holiday pies.”
McDonald’s: “Does that complete your order?”
Tommy: “Yes it does. Thank you.”
McDonald’s: “Please pull around to the first window.”
Abby: “Make sure they got my ranch dipping sauces.”
Tommy: “Why? You know the rule while in my truck… you’re not allowed to use dipping sauces when eating because you spill every time.”
Abby: “I do not!”
Tommy: “Yes you do!”
Abby: “Noooooo I don’t.” [she says with puppy dog eyes and a grin]
—- a few moments later —-
McDonald’s: “Here’s your order.”
Abby: “Do they have my ranch dipping sauces?” [she asks as she violently rips the bag that was just handed to me, out of my hands to scour for her Ranch dipping sauces]
—- Note: the ranch dipping sauces are only provided about 50% of the time when ordering at McDonald’s, so I can totally understand the importance of making sure the sauce is in the bag —-
Tommy: “What is the only rule I ask of you; if you are going to use that ranch dipping sauce?”
Abby: “OMG, I’m not going to spill the sauce!”
— 2 minutes later —
Abby: [no words] {as Abby slowly begins to look over at me in a fashion that says: ‘I just did something wrong and I hope I’m not in trouble’}
Tommy: [Sensing Abby is staring at me in a fashion that she done messed up A… A… RON]
Tommy: “OMG… what did I just say? NO SPILLING! This is why we have a rule of no sauces in my truck. Seriously??? and it spilled on my favorite sweatshirt. Oh my… Seriously?!!!”

———————— End Transmission ————————

Now I wonder if Grace will follow in her mom’s footsteps or dad with expensive taste. For financial and health purposes, I hope it’s her mom who she takes after on eating habits.

Anyhow, I don’t intentionally look for the most expensive item on the menu, but it just seems to work out that way every time. After our meal was over and it came time to pay for our tabs, The Richies graciously picked up Abby and I’s tab (Thank You Richies). Had I known that, I totally would have ordered something different. Not because I didn’t think the Richies could handle it, but because I knew I stubbornly ordered the most expensive item. But hey, I don’t think The Richies would have had it any other way. They know me way too well. Just don’t put those healthy food options on my food order and I’ll eat whatever you put in front of me. Just ask The Richies, they can fill you in on my standard eating habits. Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing for my shameful eating habits. Pains me to say that but it’s true. Do I have regrets? No, not really. So I guess it’s not that shameful. Truth be told, if any of you know me directly, you know that I am a glutton for cheese sticks. Cheese anything really. But mainly cheese sticks. So does that make me Cheesy? Come hang out with Abby and me and find out for yourself.

Enough about food. It’s almost lunchtime as I’m writing this blog and I’m salivating all over myself just thinking about how my next unhealthy guilty meal pleasure – which looks like spaghettios and meatballs today – is going to taste. You see, having friends come around is already helping me take my mind off of the hospital. Not Grace, but the hospital. I don’t think I’ll ever stop thinking about my baby girl Grace. Love her way too much.

Umm, where was I??? Oh yes, Aaron and Carolyn were planning to be around for Friday and Saturday. They were also in town for matters of potentially buying a new car that can be accommodating to their growing family. So that was pretty cool that we were going to get to spend time with them for more than one day. Also, their baby girl Naomi is so cute. She’s growing quickly. It was a lot of fun interacting with The Richies, and their wisdom as new parents. Thankful to have them as a resource as Abby and I grow with Grace.

Speaking of Grace, she is back in her private villa, sleeping and getting much-needed rest from Mom and Dad constantly wanting to hold her. There haven’t been a lot of changes in her vitals at this point in time from the last blog post. She has been increasing her feeds and getting the opportunity to decrease the amount of oxygen that is being provided by the hospital so she breathes more on her own. It sounds daunting but I know it’s for the best that she learns to breathe fully on her own.

Additionally, Grace is getting excited about her baby cousin coming soon. That’s right, Abby’s younger sister Alyssa, and her husband Jake, have been due to have their first child (baby girl) 3-weeks after Grace. Those 3 weeks have come really quickly and any day now, Jake and Alyssa should be having their first child. We are all very excited. Grace is certainly excited to have a cousin. Can you imagine Grandma Amy right now? She is really really excited that she will now have 2 grandbabies in the span of 3 to 4 weeks apart. That is pretty freaking sweet.

Also, I would like to give a shout-out to Grandma Amy. As some of you know, 2 weeks before Abby and I were due to be induced with Grace, we closed on a new home. Since then, we haven’t had much time to organize our house. Fortunately, Grandma Amy came to the rescue and has graciously been helping us organize our house. Just have a look at the picture below. The layout and furniture were all from the brilliant design eye by Grandma Amy. Raise your hand if you think Grandma Amy should do this for a living… Thank you, Grandma Amy. Don’t know what we would do without you. Looks amazing.

Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation | Blog Post EP. 5.2 - Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 - Final Part) | raised hands | Image
Grace Elizabeth Heart Warrior Foundation | Blog Post EP. 5.2 - Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises (Part 2 - Final Part) | house design layout | Image
Interior Design by Grandma Amy

This pretty much concludes our 2 part series on “Frequent Driving Miles & Unexpected Surprises”. Thank you to all of our supporters and donators. Abby and I love you and are excited to share the future of our journey with you.

-Big Daddy T